Some users reported that some links would not be supported with their screenshots, often either endlessly showing “Taking screenshot” status. This past week I've been addressing this and other link artifacts related issues.
Here's what's new:
  • Generally, screenshots now almost never fail;
  • Screenshots are now handling cookie banners, ads & other distracting UI on the screenshot much better;
  • In rare cases when the screenshot does fail, its artifact page will tell you that, and show the button to retake the screenshot;
  • Some users also reported that Notion pages would not have full page screenshots. This is now fixed;
  • Link artifacts now also save the title of the page so it can be searched by. I'm also working on enhancing this with more metadata so that search is even more precise & faster. Stay tuned.
Some screenshots of the collected link may still fail
  • This can happen either because website uses some enhanced bot protection (screenshot is made by a bot, technically);
  • or it's out of reach for the Collecta servers.
While there's not much I can do for the #1, reaching distanced websites is solvable with proxy, which I'll probably add support for at some point.
Please feel free to create reports if some links are still failing for you.
Thanks for your continued support and all the feedback!